
Time to celebrate with the perfect Gift



Hallo Fashion World and Not,
Time of celebrations, time of parties and serenity.
Christmas brings us all these things, but also a nice thought of which kind of gift choose for

our lovely people.
You know, I am always on travelling, I have no time to wander around the city shops in search of the right gifts.
This year I want to choose thoughtful and quality items, I know that will be appreciated;

I want those who receive my present feel UNIQUE, BEAUTIFUL …

For all my gifts I entrust to online shopping , no queues, no stress, what could be more beautiful?

The Desigual site gave me a big hand, I found so many interesting proposals for my friends and for me, just the right gift, but NOT ONLY FOR CHRISTMAS TIME…


“Another way of giving” is the motto representing the new graphical interface of e-Store.
#GiftDifferent #MyDesigual
With this Christmas guide, in fact, the user will be accompanied in choosing the perfect gift in a few simple steps. I love when it is so easy and funny !

I chose a woolen cape , so warm, that accompany me during my winter vacation and instead for my friend Anastasia a trendy eco fur in the classic
en blanco y negro, that you will see down.
My shopping has never been so perfect !








Con amor

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10 Comentarios

  • Responder Lilli

    Ah, la cappa è favolosa Nicky, la vorrei!! Sei bellissima e molto sofisticata con questo look, mi piace tutto! Buone feste cara, un abrazo!:**

    23 December 2016 en 12:56
  • Responder verónica

    Bellissima questa cappa Nicky! Un bacione cara!
    Saltar a verme VeryFP

    23 December 2016 en 15:28
  • Responder Rowena @ rolala loves

    That cape is splendid! Merry Christmas and happy new year to you Nicky! xo

    23 December 2016 en 21:32
  • Responder Gingi Freeman

    I love that outfit!! And your photos are gorgeous! <3 –

    23 December 2016 en 23:39
  • Responder Vale

    Wow Nicky che bella la cappa, sei sempre stilosissima e di ispirazionebuon Natale tesoro, anche qui. Baci baci e tanti auguri!

    Fashion and Cookies – moda & beauty blog

    25 December 2016 en 18:06
  • Responder thechilicool

    Splendida la cappa, tantissimi auguri Niki ti auguro un 2017 ricco di soddisfazioni!
    new post
    Thechilicool Facebook Instagram

    29 December 2016 en 11:38
  • Responder Angelica | Habanero

    Bella Nicky, molto chic.
    Ti auguro un sereno anno nuovo.
    Un abbraccio, a presto.


    29 December 2016 en 17:50
  • Responder Królowa Karo

    I like Desigual clothes!

    31 December 2016 en 22:44
  • Responder KizzyDoll

    Wonderful, gorgeous you 🙂 Happy New Year to you 🙂 x

    2 January 2017 en 11:51
  • Responder Eni Abeni

    Spero tu abbia trascorso un felice Natale ed un allegro Capodanno Nicky! Attendo i tuoi nuovi outfit e intanto mi complimento per questo che è davvero bello! Un bacio,

    Eniwhere Fashion
    Eniwhere Fashion Facebook

    4 January 2017 en 22:45
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