
Virginie Carpentier jewels





Before becoming a jewel designer, Virginie followed a different path in fashion design. But, this is the jewel creation that she expresses the best her emotions, art and personality.






Virginie Carpentier takes influence from poetry, contemporary art and objects which remind her childhood memories. She creates jewels with spirit!

“I like to reroute things, making them gambol in my mind, to splash them up under another aspect”


The Champ’ line, iconic collection of Virginie Carpentier, comes from a misappropriation of a French heritage object, the champagne capsule.

“It came to me very easily when I was a child during family lunches, there was always some champagne. I enjoyed getting back champagne capsules and muselet to create chairs, tables for Lilliputians, either, I slid the capsule and the muselet on my index finger to make a ring”.

Virginie poetizes current events and create amazing line by their geometrical shapes and colors, by drawing inspiration from artists of the surrealist movement such as Sonia and Robert Delaunay.
Following you can find some selected articles, but you can find the complete line on the on-line shop www.virginiecarpentier.fr, There are a lot of idea for your Christmas Gifts !

In the next post I will show you the my ring from Virginie Carpentier

Cieszyć się

anello argento

anello oro rosa

anello con perla

anello oro

anello con pietra


orecchino perla





























Z miłością,





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37 Komentarze

  • Odpowiedzieć Dania

    L’ anello in argento con la pietra gialla mi piace veramente moltissimo Nicky.
    Bel brand, grazie per averlo segnalato

    Un bacio e buona domenica



    14 December 2013 w 17:59
  • Odpowiedzieć Oksana

    Lovely manicure! Rings are just amazing-)


    14 December 2013 w 18:10
  • Odpowiedzieć Lilli

    Ciao Nicky, sono stupendi, mi piacerebbe avere un anellino, sono curiosa di vedere quale è il tuo ora. La designer è bravissima! Buona serata e weekend, pocałunek!:*

    14 December 2013 w 18:20
  • Odpowiedzieć Francesca Romana Capizzi

    Sono bellissimi, molto delicati, mi piacciono soprattutto gli anelli!
    Wielką Sobotę!

    14 December 2013 w 19:42
  • Odpowiedzieć Lia Crystal

    So elegant and pure jewelries. Really like them. 🙂

    14 December 2013 w 20:14
  • Odpowiedzieć Maddie

    The jewellery looks very pretty and divine! Thanks for the introduction and the post! 🙂

    Wygraj $150 gift card from Jollychic.com

    14 December 2013 w 20:22
  • Odpowiedzieć jenny

    Beautiful accessories dear!!!
    Happy weekend!


    14 December 2013 w 20:57
  • Odpowiedzieć Coco

    Sono stupendi Nicky! Bacioneeee
    Coco i La Vie en Rose
    Coco i La Vie en Rose na bloglovin
    Coco i La Vie en Rose na Facebooku

    14 December 2013 w 22:04
  • Odpowiedzieć Giusy

    Che bell’anello, mi piace molto 🙂

    14 December 2013 w 23:30
  • Odpowiedzieć Jackie Harrison

    Like this jewelry it beautiful great job.

    14 December 2013 w 23:38
  • Odpowiedzieć Hanna

    The rings are beautiful =) I love that her jewelry also expresses her emotions, makes it more special!

    15 December 2013 w 00:04
  • Odpowiedzieć Ania

    amazing jewelry! 🙂

    15 December 2013 w 00:48
  • Odpowiedzieć Deborah

    Ciao bella! Thanks for visiting my blog. These pieces are amazing, I like them all! Let me know if you want to follow each other 🙂 You’re welcome in my blog anytime <3
    Kisses from Argentina!


    15 December 2013 w 02:20
  • Odpowiedzieć Ann

    Her creations are lovely.
    The rings look amazing!

    15 December 2013 w 05:34
  • Odpowiedzieć Rosalinda Tjioe

    Love these jewelries, beautiful 🙂 xx


    15 December 2013 w 08:05
  • Odpowiedzieć Marika

    Adoro qst brand Nicky, fa delle cose davvero bellel’anello con la pietra gialla mi piace un sacco! Baci Marika
    Passa da me per un saluto…

    15 December 2013 w 08:22
  • Odpowiedzieć Chic with the least by Francy&Stef

    Ma che belli questi gioielli!!!
    Chic z najmniejszą
    Również na Facebook , Bloglovin ' i What I Wear

    15 December 2013 w 09:55
  • Odpowiedzieć Sandra

    rings are amazing 😉

    15 December 2013 w 10:32
  • Odpowiedzieć Carola

    mi piacciono moltissimo gli anelli!!!! ottima idea anche come regali alle amiche per natale! buona domenica Nicky!!!!
    New Outfit post on PursesintheKitchen!

    15 December 2013 w 11:06
  • Odpowiedzieć shareasecret

    Cool!! 🙂

    Wanna have 25 € to shop at girissima.com?

    Check my Blog! http://shareasecretmag.com/ xoxo

    15 December 2013 w 11:44
  • Odpowiedzieć kuna

    Witaj z Hiszpanii: beautiful jewelry. Kontaktować się

    15 December 2013 w 13:14
  • Odpowiedzieć Romina

    L’anello con la perla deve essere mio!!!!!;-)=
    Nocnik tesoro!!!
    Mój Dip w modzie

    15 December 2013 w 16:48
  • Odpowiedzieć Francesca Romana Capizzi

    buona domenica!!

    15 December 2013 w 16:54
  • Odpowiedzieć maylovefashion

    Molto molto carini gli orecchini!

    15 December 2013 w 19:32
  • Odpowiedzieć Pestka

    These are such great pieces!
    xx Easy Outfits, by Pip

    15 December 2013 w 20:08
  • Odpowiedzieć Eleonora

    Sono assolutamente magnifici!

    Follemente Fashion Blog also on Fashiolista i Bloglovin’

    15 December 2013 w 20:41
  • Odpowiedzieć Yudani

    Lovely rings.


    15 December 2013 w 21:29
  • Odpowiedzieć Amanda Chic

    Lovely jewels

    twitter & instagram : @fashionrlounge
    Fashion room lounge

    A chic kiss 😉

    15 December 2013 w 21:39
  • Odpowiedzieć Marisa

    Wielki Post!

    Marisa Silva

    15 December 2013 w 21:54
  • Odpowiedzieć se

    wanna have all!

    15 December 2013 w 22:01
  • Odpowiedzieć Miriam

    beautiful jewels!!!


    15 December 2013 w 22:16
  • Odpowiedzieć Lauren

    I love all of those rings!


    15 December 2013 w 22:24
  • Odpowiedzieć Con estilo al cubo

    Lovely jewelry!!!!


    15 December 2013 w 22:29
  • Odpowiedzieć Thechilicool

    Sono molto belli!

    15 December 2013 w 23:52
  • Odpowiedzieć Kim jako blog bardzo słodkie

    Love that cuff bracelet and ring!

    16 December 2013 w 17:53
  • Odpowiedzieć Chiara Vitaloni

    Molto creativa questa designer, mi piace!

    19 December 2013 w 08:54
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